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resource sharing meaning in Hindi

resource sharing sentence in Hindi

संसाधन सहभागिता
संसाधन सहभाजन
साधन सहभाजन
resource    उपाय गति युक्ति
sharing    सांझा करना सहभाजन
1.Western Resources shares fell 3 / 16 to 32 9 / 16.

2.Western Resources shares rose 1 / 8 to 31 3 / 8.

3.The software enables resource sharing in a fine-grained manner, improving cluster utilization.

4.Energy Resources shares have benefitted from rising world prices of uranium oxide.

5.Western Resources shares closed at $ 30 . 875, up 75 cents.

6.Western Resources shares rose 1 / 8 yesterday to 31 1 / 4.

7.Western Resources shares closed 1 / 8 up at 29 3 / 4.

8.The project is aimed at enabling resource sharing with each other and OhioLINK.

9.Western Resources shares fell 1 / 4 to 31 in late morning trading.

10.A resources sharing joint development area arrangement instead had to be agreed to.

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How to say resource sharing in Hindi and what is the meaning of resource sharing in Hindi? resource sharing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.