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reception desk meaning in Hindi

reception desk sentence in Hindi
स्वागत डेस्क
reception    अभिग्रहण अभिनंदन
desk    लेखनाधार डैस्क
1.Betty later sees Amanda and Matt by the reception desk and hides.

2.The reception desk features drugs, old receipts and seals of medieval pharmacies.

3.The reception desk was getting a last bright coat of yellow paint.

4.There was a wooden reception desk to the right of the staircase.

5.A clerk behind the reception desk is barely visible in the shadows.

6.I tell her to leave her name at the reception desk.

7.We presented ourselves at the Boulders reception desk and let the coddling begin.

8.The worker behind the reception desk signed on four hours ago.

9.The dark-haired boy raised his baseball hat to police at the reception desk.

10.After breakfast, we begged the reception desk for a smoke-free room.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5
a counter (as in a hotel) where guests are received

How to say reception desk in Hindi and what is the meaning of reception desk in Hindi? reception desk Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.