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public holiday meaning in Hindi

public holiday sentence in Hindi
सार्वजनिक अवकाश

लोक अवकाश दिन
सार्वजनिक अवकाश दिन
public    सामान्य जन जन जनता
holiday    छुट्टी त्यौहार
1.The Hong Kong gold market was closed Saturday for a public holiday.

2.The Hong Kong market was closed on Monday for a public holiday.

3.JAKARTA : The Indonesian stock market was closed for a public holiday.

4.No official comment was immediately available because of a public holiday Friday.

5.London gold and silver markets were closed Thursday for a public holiday.

6.London gold and silver markets were closed Monday for a public holiday.

7.The markets were closed in Hong Kong and Taiwan for public holidays.

8.Markets in Hong Kong were closed Monday for a public holiday.

9.Things turn for the worse during weekends and on public holidays.

10.Gold markets in London were closed Monday for a public holiday.

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authorized by law and limiting work or official business
Synonyms: legal holiday, national holiday,

How to say public holiday in Hindi and what is the meaning of public holiday in Hindi? public holiday Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.