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open excavation meaning in Hindi

open excavation sentence in Hindi

पृष्ठ उत्खनन
पृष्ठ खुदाई
open    मुंह खुला मैदान
excavation    खुदाई खोई खोखलापन
1.Open excavations were refilled with earth, and Capitol Square became open pasture for livestock.

2.According to the decision, which is in keeping with European Union guidelines, building contractors must open excavation contracts to tender.

3.Its natural habitats are swamps, freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, ponds, aquaculture ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, seasonally flooded agricultural land, canals, and ditches.

4.Its natural habitats are moist lowland forests, moist montane forests, rivers, intermittent rivers, swamps, freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, open excavations, and canals and ditches.

5.His fresh new victims were taken behind the barracks to the edge of an open excavation seven metres deep, where the corpses of prisoners were smouldering.

6.Its natural habitats are temperate forests, temperate grassland, swamps, freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, arable land, pastureland, ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, and seasonally flooded agricultural land.

7.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, moist montane forests, rivers, freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, water storage areas, ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, and canals and ditches.

8.Its natural habitats are freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, arable land, pasture land, rural gardens, urban areas, ponds, aquaculture ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, seasonally flooded agricultural land, and canals and ditches.

9.Its natural habitats are temperate forests, Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, rivers, intermittent rivers, freshwater marshes, intermittent freshwater marshes, arable land, pastureland, rural gardens, water storage areas, ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, canals and ditches.

10.It is endemic to the southwestern United States, where its natural habitats are temperate lowland forests, rivers and streams, swamps, freshwater marshes, freshwater springs, ponds, open excavations, irrigated land, and seasonally flooded agricultural land.

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How to say open excavation in Hindi and what is the meaning of open excavation in Hindi? open excavation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.