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obstructive lung disease meaning in Hindi

obstructive lung disease sentence in Hindi

अवरोधी फुप्फुस रोग
obstructive    अवरोधी प्रतिरोधक
lung    फेफड़ा श्वासी
disease    दुःख पीड़ा बिमारी
1.Emphysema is called an obstructive lung disease and the lungs are over-expanded.

2.In obstructive lung disease it is usually normal or only slightly decreased.

3.A man in his 70s who had diabetes and obstructive lung disease.

4.This appears particularly commonly in exacerbations of chronic obstructive lung disease.

5.Chronic obstructive lung disease, too, may in part be prenatally programmed.

6.He was a leading researcher on obstructive lung disease, congestive heart failure and shock.

7.In 1987, doctors said a degenerative malady, chronic obstructive lung disease, would shorten his life.

8.The overall reaction may cause an obstructive lung disease.

9.Miller died on January 5, 1997, at age 77 of chronic obstructive lung disease in Middletown, Connecticut.

10.Kate Swift, her close friend and co-author, said the cause of death was chronic obstructive lung disease.

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How to say obstructive lung disease in Hindi and what is the meaning of obstructive lung disease in Hindi? obstructive lung disease Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.