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nervous exhaustion meaning in Hindi

nervous exhaustion sentence in Hindi

तंत्रिका श्रांति
nervous    घबराने वाला
exhaustion    खिंचाव थकान थकावट
1."American Nervousness " later changed names to Neurasthenia, literally, " nervous exhaustion ."

2.His death was attributed to nervous exhaustion, the result of overwork.

3.Innis suffered recurring bouts of depression and nervous exhaustion because of his military service.

4.His doctor had told him to rest after suffering from physical and nervous exhaustion.

5.Price herself later said she was suffering from nervous exhaustion.

6.By morning, Grant's nervous exhaustion had turned to exhilaration.

7.He suffered from severe headaches and nervous exhaustion.

8.But only weeks before the debut, Carey had her well publicized collapse, explained as nervous exhaustion.

9.She has been Elian's main caretaker, but was hospitalized over the weekend after suffering from nervous exhaustion.

10.Putnam's role in Lowell Observatory's history begins when Percival Lowell succumbed to severe nervous exhaustion in 1897.

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an emotional disorder that leaves you exhausted and unable to work
Synonyms: nervous prostration,

How to say nervous exhaustion in Hindi and what is the meaning of nervous exhaustion in Hindi? nervous exhaustion Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.