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marketing mix meaning in Hindi

marketing mix sentence in Hindi

विपणन मिश्रण
marketing    खपत तिजारत बिक्री
mix    उलझन गड़बड़ घपला
1.Virtual environments are becoming an increasingly important part of the marketing mix.

2.For the retailer local marketing implies optimization of the store's marketing mixes.

3.During this time, Evanovich's daughter Alex became part of the marketing mix.

4.Hogan was added to the marketing mix, and Subaru had an instant hit.

5.According to Borden's account, he used the term,'marketing mix'consistently from the late 1940s.

6.The development of the marketing mix for that country is then required-international marketing.

7.The Lever association came in handy to rework the marketing mix.

8.We suddenly looked at all the activities in the marketing mix very differently,

9."I think that's going to play a diminishing role in the overall marketing mix,"

10.The effectiveness of print relates back to aspects of the marketing mix's 4 P's.

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How to say marketing mix in Hindi and what is the meaning of marketing mix in Hindi? marketing mix Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.