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limit test meaning in Hindi

limit test sentence in Hindi

सीमा परीक्षण
limit    अवधि किनारा दायरा
test    जांच परख टैस्ट मैच
1.Impurity testing can either be a quantitative test or a limit test.

2.The Liquid Limit test is defined by ASTM standard test method D 4318.

3.See 49CFR 173.133 ( b ) for LC50 determination for mixtures and for limit tests.

4.Another GOP Primary, Another Term-Limits Test

5.The original liquid limit test of Atterberg's involved mixing a pat of clay in a round-bottomed porcelain bowl of 10 12 cm diameter.

6.Atterberg limits tests, water content measurements, and grain size analysis, for example, may be performed on disturbed samples obtained from thick walled triaxial shear and unconfined compression test.

7.The United States has not ratified the treaty, but the Threshold Test Ban Treaty with the former Soviet Union and other nuclear powers limits tests to below 150 kilotons, or about a 5.5-to-6.0 earthquake, Cormier said.

8.However, the limited capacity of the trim pump at deep depths, and lack of time to design a new pump, caused Rear Admiral E . L . Cochrane, Chief of the Bureau of Ships, to limit test depth to.

9.The United States has not ratified the treaty, but the Threshold Test Ban Treaty with the former Soviet Union and other nuclear powers limits tests to below 150 kilotons, or about a 5 . 5-to-6 . 0 earthquake, Cormier said.

10.The next term-limits test after Idaho will be on June 2 in California, where Americans for Limited Terms says it will spend at least $ 190, 000 in an effort to help Susan Brooks gain the Republican nomination in the 36th Congressional District.

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How to say limit test in Hindi and what is the meaning of limit test in Hindi? limit test Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.