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hazardous material meaning in Hindi

hazardous material sentence in Hindi

संकटदायी सामग्री
hazardous    जोखिमवाला जोखिमी
material    मसाला आर्थिक होना
1.Hazardous materials experts said the substance was shredded fibers from packaging material.

2.Lack of regulation of hazardous materials moved by railroad across the state.

3.He said a hazardous materials handling company was assisting with the cleanup.

4.There are no regulations for the transport of hazardous materials in Pakistan.

5.The California Highway Patrol stepped up inspections of trucks hauling hazardous materials.

6.It keeps them a little bit more available for hazardous material emergencies.

7.A runaway freight train carrying hazardous materials traveled Tuesday through northwestern Ohio.

8.Department of Transportation regulates mandatory labeling requirements for all hazardous materials.

9.HMRU _ Hazardous Materials Response Unit ( of the Federal Bureau of Investigation)

10._Establish 10 regional hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction teams.

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How to say hazardous material in Hindi and what is the meaning of hazardous material in Hindi? hazardous material Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.