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greeting card meaning in Hindi

greeting card sentence in Hindi
शुभकामना पत्र

शुभकामना कार्ड
greeting    अभिनन्दन अभिवादन
card    टिकट व्यवसाय
1.The survey underscored something greeting card makers have known for several years.

2.More than half the greeting cards the store carries are in Spanish.

3.Greeting cards have served as ambassadors of goodwill for a long time.

4.Card shops have greeting cards for every occasion and for every sentiment.

5.The Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe program is not limited to greeting cards.

6.My friend Nancy makes wreaths and cute little greeting cards from scratch.

7.Some people think the holiday was dreamed up by greeting card manufacturers.

8.The women originally wanted to use the images to create greeting cards.

9.American Greetings cards are available at Target and at Carlton card stores.

10.Sending greeting cards does serve a useful purpose, NEW STRAITS TIMES-

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a card sent to express personal greetings

How to say greeting card in Hindi and what is the meaning of greeting card in Hindi? greeting card Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.