1. Q . Several years ago, I bought a gooseberry bush . 2. Currant and gooseberry bushes are hosts for a white pine disease. 3. Its name came from a large wild gooseberry bush near the spring. 4. Gooseberry bushes produce an edible fruit and are grown on both a commercial and domestic basis.5. The licensed premises is called The Gooseberry Bush after the place where the babies were said to arrive. 6. A century ago the island sported tennis courts and its softball fields were surrounded by rhubarb plants and gooseberry bushes . 7. I have a lot of small, green caterpillars on my gooseberry bush , and I'm trying to identify them. 8. CAT'S PHEECON A GOOSEBERRY BUSH , SAUVIGNON BLANC, NEW ZEALAND, EASTCOAST1999 $ 9 It has a pronounced pungency, clean yet tart in the mouth. 9. "Gooseberry bush " was 19th-century slang for pubic hair, and from this comes the saying that babies are " Born under a gooseberry bush ." 10. "Gooseberry bush " was 19th-century slang for pubic hair, and from this comes the saying that babies are " Born under a gooseberry bush ."