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gooseberry bush meaning in Hindi

gooseberry bush sentence in Hindi

गूजबेरी झाडी
gooseberry    काकबदरी कबाब में
bush    छेददार डाट लगाना
1.Q . Several years ago, I bought a gooseberry bush.

2.Currant and gooseberry bushes are hosts for a white pine disease.

3.Its name came from a large wild gooseberry bush near the spring.

4.Gooseberry bushes produce an edible fruit and are grown on both a commercial and domestic basis.

5.The licensed premises is called The Gooseberry Bush after the place where the babies were said to arrive.

6.A century ago the island sported tennis courts and its softball fields were surrounded by rhubarb plants and gooseberry bushes.

7.I have a lot of small, green caterpillars on my gooseberry bush, and I'm trying to identify them.

8.CAT'S PHEECON A GOOSEBERRY BUSH, SAUVIGNON BLANC, NEW ZEALAND, EASTCOAST1999 $ 9 It has a pronounced pungency, clean yet tart in the mouth.

9."Gooseberry bush " was 19th-century slang for pubic hair, and from this comes the saying that babies are " Born under a gooseberry bush ."

10."Gooseberry bush " was 19th-century slang for pubic hair, and from this comes the saying that babies are " Born under a gooseberry bush ."

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How to say gooseberry bush in Hindi and what is the meaning of gooseberry bush in Hindi? gooseberry bush Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.