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English-Hindi > fore limb

fore limb meaning in Hindi

fore limb sentence in Hindi

fore    अग्रभाग आगा माथा
limb    अवयव किनारा छोर
1.The female becomes motionless and her fore limbs may twitch sporadically.

2.The genus shows extreme reduction of hind limbs and absence of fore limbs.

3.Family members have very small fore limbs, and lack hind limbs altogether.

4.The hawksbill's fore limbs have two visible claws on each flipper.

5.The animal was extremely robust with powerfully built jaws and very strong fore limbs.

6.In one species, the skeleton in their fore limbs is made of only cartilage.

7.A wide and dark stripe appears across the eye and extends to the fore limb.

8.The fore limbs ('arms') were long and slender and bore powerful claws.

9.Taking this stance would free up its fore limbs to tackle or slash at its intended victim.

10.The fore limbs were much shorter than the stocky hind limbs, which resulted in an unusual posture.

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How to say fore limb in Hindi and what is the meaning of fore limb in Hindi? fore limb Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.