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evaporated milk meaning in Hindi

evaporated milk sentence in Hindi
वाष्पित दूध
evaporated    जमावटी वाष्पित
milk    दुग्ध दूध क्षीर
1.In large saucepan, combine sugar and evaporated milk and bring to boil.

2.1 3 / 4 cups milk or one large can evaporated milk

3.Combine evaporated milk and cream in saucepan and heat to scalding point.

4.Stir vanilla into evaporated milk and add to mixture, beating until smooth.

5.She usually substitutes Milnot for the evaporated milk to cut fat.

6.1 1 / 2 cups ( 12-ounce can ) evaporated milk

7.1 3 / 4 cups ( 12-ounce can ) evaporated milk

8.Stir the evaporated milk into the skillet and bring mixture to a boil.

9.1 / 2 can ( about 1 cup ) evaporated milk

10.Evaporated milk is known in some countries as unsweetened condensed milk.

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milk concentrated by evaporation

How to say evaporated milk in Hindi and what is the meaning of evaporated milk in Hindi? evaporated milk Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.