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English-Hindi > epsom salt

epsom salt meaning in Hindi

epsom salt sentence in Hindi

एप्सम लवण
एस्पम लवण
epsom    इप्सम
salt    नमक छिड़कना अम्ल
1.Sherpa Pink Himalayan Salt and Epsoak Epsom Salts are both rock salts.

2.The oldest gardening-related use of Epsom salts, however, is still the best.

3.A tablespoon of Epsom salts when you fertilize can be beneficial, too.

4.Epsom salt has been traditionally used as a component of bath salts.

5.In addition, apply a handful of Epsom salts around each rose.

6.Would watering with Epsom salt encourage it to develop red blooms?

7.In summer it deposits epsomite ( " Epsom salts " ).

8.These tropical plants also respond to Epsom salt, a source of magnesium sulfate.

9.We tubbed the foot with hot water and Epsom salts, and he's comfortable.

10.Hibiscus also respond to Epsom salts, a source of magnesium sulfate.

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How to say epsom salt in Hindi and what is the meaning of epsom salt in Hindi? epsom salt Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.