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energy dispersion meaning in Hindi

energy dispersion sentence in Hindi

ऊर्जा विक्षेपण
energy    तेज बल शक्ति
dispersion    प्रकीर्णन प्रचार
1.It lowers the temperature of a particle beam by reducing its energy dispersion and brilliance ).

2.The dispersion relations show conics of the free-electron energy dispersion parabolas for all possible reciprocal lattice vectors.

3.Where F is the electric field, E ( k ) is the energy dispersion relation, and k is the momentum wave vector.

4.They are formed by the mixture of phospholipid ( glycerol monooleate ) and non-ionic surfactant in aqueous media by applying high energy dispersion such as sonication and homogenization.

5.To convert between the DOS as a function of the energy and the DOS as a function of the wave vector, the system-specific energy dispersion relation between " E " and " k " must be known.

6.His analogies included an imaginary intelligent being called " Boltzmann's Demon, " who runs around reorganizing and dispersing energy, in order to show how the " W " in Boltzmann's entropy formula relates to energy dispersion.

7.His 1984 very popular book the Second Law is entirely devoted to the non-mathematical interpretation of entropy in terms of  energy dispersion .  I saw this book referenced at least five times in other books before I actually bought this book.

8.He conceives of a intelligent being called  Boltzmann s Demon who relentlessly runs around re-organizing and dispersing energy and then goes on to show how Boltzmann s  W from his probability equation relates to energy dispersion, which transmits via atomic vibrations and collisions and other verbal arguments.

How to say energy dispersion in Hindi and what is the meaning of energy dispersion in Hindi? energy dispersion Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.