After migrating to Karachi he opted repairing of domestic electrical appliances till he had the job as the sub editor of the daily newspaper Dawn.
Domestic electrical appliances also saw a decrease in volume of 34.1 per cent, followed by metal manufactures, down 25.6 per cent; travel goods and handbags, down 16.8 per cent; and footwear down 15.4 per cent.
For 1997, the volume of radio exports was down 59 per cent; followed by textile products, down 44.4 per cent; travel goods and handbags, down 39.4 per cent; and domestic electrical appliances, down 21.4 per cent.
The other major investors are Concept Marketing, which will set up an assembly and production plant for domestic electrical appliances costing RM3.1 million, and Syarikat Lui Kim Chok, which will build a snack food factory at RM3.3 million.
For 1997, the volume of radio exports was down 59 per cent; followed by textile products, down 44 . 4 per cent; travel goods and handbags, down 39 . 4 per cent; and domestic electrical appliances, down 21 . 4 per cent.
The other major investors are Concept Marketing, which will set up an assembly and production plant for domestic electrical appliances costing RM3 . 1 million, and Syarikat Lui Kim Chok, which will build a snack food factory at RM3 . 3 million.
Domestic electrical appliances also saw a decrease in volume of 34 . 1 per cent, followed by metal manufactures, down 25 . 6 per cent; travel goods and handbags, down 16 . 8 per cent; and footwear down 15 . 4 per cent.
How to say domestic electrical appliance in Hindi and what is the meaning of domestic electrical appliance in Hindi? domestic electrical appliance Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by