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derived structure meaning in Hindi

derived structure sentence in Hindi

व्युत्पन्न रचना
derived    व्युत्पन्न
structure    गृह संरचना करना घर
1.A few groups of unicellular eukaryotes have only vestigial mitochondria or derived structures : the microsporidians, metamonads, and archamoebae.

2.Indricotheres are distinguished from other hyracodonts by their larger size and the derived structure of their snouts, incisors and canines.

3.In addition, they retain the ability to become any kind of somite-derived structure until relatively late in the process of somitogenesis.

4.Wnt6 plays a role in the formation and maturation of different embryonic structures, namely the fetal heart, ventral body wall, and somite derived structures.

5.The pubic bone has a derived structure, being rotated somewhat posteriorly and folded to create a superficially tetanuran-like terminal expansion, especially prominent in " H . ischigulastensis ".

6.MD-derived structure predictions can be tested through community-wide experiments in Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction ( CASP ), although the method has historically had limited success in this area.

7.The WJ Castling Memorial and the Bandstand are finely detailed, classically derived structures that reflect the Mannerism of the Victorian and Edwardian Periods and the tradition of constructing public buildings in a classical style.

8.I personally am looking forward to the day when a reader can view a wikidata-based " tree ", clicking mesoderm and seeing all of the derived structures, then selecting the intermediate mesoderm, then Pronephric duct, mesonephric duct and vas deferens.

9.Many automated applications utilizing multivariate statistical analyses ( chemometrics ) approaches to derive structure-property and chemical and physical property correlations between 60 MHz 1H NMR spectra and primary analysis data particularly for petroleum and petrochemical process control applications have been developed over the past decade.

10.A Wnt5a absence study was performed by Mericskay et al . on mice and showed the anterior M�llerian-derived structures ( oviducts and uterine horns ) could easily be identified, and the posterior derived structures ( cervix and vagina ) were absent showing that this gene is a requirement for its development.

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How to say derived structure in Hindi and what is the meaning of derived structure in Hindi? derived structure Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.