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English-Hindi > covalent crystal

covalent crystal meaning in Hindi

covalent crystal sentence in Hindi

सहसंयोजी क्रिस्टल
covalent    सहसंयोजक
crystal    बिल्लौर मणिभ
1.Crystalline solids generally consist of an ordered array of interconnected atoms, generated by repetition of a unit cell in three dimensions, and are of two extreme types ionic crystals, and covalent crystals.

2.Ionic crystals are made up of quite different ions, such as Na + and Cl  " in common salt, for example, while covalent crystals such as diamond are made up of atoms that share electrons in a covalent bond.

How to say covalent crystal in Hindi and what is the meaning of covalent crystal in Hindi? covalent crystal Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.