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English-Hindi > cast stone

cast stone meaning in Hindi

cast stone sentence in Hindi

ढला पत्थर
cast    नाटक या फिल्म के
stone    प्रस्तर पत्थर मणि
1.The southwest corner entry features a stylized Egyptian temple of cast stone.

2.The building is constructed using buff brick and cast stone decorative molding.

3.On the pavilion facade the windows rest on two cast stone panels.

4.A cast stone motif featuring a thunderbird was added to the canopies.

5.Concrete, like cast stone, is nearly indestructible and withstands temperature fluctuations.

6.Cast stone is extremely durable and not subject to winter damage.

7.The windowsills and the bases of the ground floor arches are cast stone.

8.Mr . Mansbendel also carved several of the limestone and cast stone mantles.

9."We're doing it in cast stone and stuccoed clay tiles ."

10.Everyone ought to look in the mirror before anyone casts stones,

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How to say cast stone in Hindi and what is the meaning of cast stone in Hindi? cast stone Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.