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English-Hindi > cascading effect

cascading effect meaning in Hindi

cascading effect sentence in Hindi

परिवर्तनशील प्रभाव
cascading    प्रपात की तरह
effect    परिणाम प्रभात
1.The strike has prompted a cascading effect across the economic chain.

2.Other investors begin to participate, leading to a cascade effect.

3.These can cross other orbits and lead to a cascade effect.

4.The cascading effect of losing these trees is going to be awesome,

5."There's a cascading effect,"

6.Overexploitation of species can result in knock-on or cascade effects.

7.A classic example of cascade effects occurred with sea otters.

8.The system was overloaded and one seemingly minor problem had a cascading effect.

9.That's where the cascade effect comes in.

10."We're in the cascade effect right now,"

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How to say cascading effect in Hindi and what is the meaning of cascading effect in Hindi? cascading effect Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.