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capital commitment meaning in Hindi

capital commitment sentence in Hindi

पूजीगत प्रतिबद्धतां
capital    पूँजी संपत्ति
commitment    ज़िम्मेदारी देना
1.The Egans are happy enough to have renewed their venture capital commitment.

2.Making long-term capital commitments is not the way they do things.

3.There are current capital commitments that would be costly to stop,

4.It closed its latest funds in June 2016, with $ 480MM in capital commitments.

5.Such purposes may include debt repayment, the financing of capital commitments, and possible acquisitions.

6.Such purposes may include debt repayment, the financing of capital commitments and possible acquisitions.

7.It manages approximately $ 10 billion of investments and capital commitments by JPMorgan Chase.

8.Global functions include capital market services, research and capital commitments.

9.Thus, a high-risk loan would mean a higher capital commitment and consequently higher interest rates.

10.Some Chinese officials have said that no major capital commitments would be made before 1996.

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How to say capital commitment in Hindi and what is the meaning of capital commitment in Hindi? capital commitment Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.