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burning zone meaning in Hindi

burning zone sentence in Hindi

दहन अंचल
burning    ज्वलन दहन
zone    कटिबंध कमरबंध
1._The Burning Zone ( UPN ) : The plague's the thing.

2."The Burning Zone " is always threatening to go completely out of control.

3."Goode Behavior " and " The Burning Zone ."

4."The Pretender, " and " The Burning Zone ."

5.But in " The Burning Zone, " the bad guys aren't UFOs, aliens and shadowy government figures.

6.Because these salts re-circulate back into the rawmix and re-enter the burning zone, a recirculation cycle establishes itself.

7.Other titles include Bodyguards, The Pretender, The Lazarus Man, High Incident, Burning Zone, Dark Skies and The Visitor.

8.While " The X-Files " is often thought-provoking, " The Burning Zone " is just dumb, silly and farfetched.

9.""'The Burning Zone " "'is a television drama broadcast on the UPN network as part of its 1996 97 lineup.

10._" The Burning Zone"

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How to say burning zone in Hindi and what is the meaning of burning zone in Hindi? burning zone Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.