1. _The Burning Zone ( UPN ) : The plague's the thing. 2. "The Burning Zone " is always threatening to go completely out of control. 3. "Goode Behavior " and " The Burning Zone ." 4. "The Pretender, " and " The Burning Zone ." 5. But in " The Burning Zone , " the bad guys aren't UFOs, aliens and shadowy government figures. 6. Because these salts re-circulate back into the rawmix and re-enter the burning zone , a recirculation cycle establishes itself. 7. Other titles include Bodyguards, The Pretender, The Lazarus Man, High Incident, Burning Zone , Dark Skies and The Visitor. 8. While " The X-Files " is often thought-provoking, " The Burning Zone " is just dumb, silly and farfetched. 9. ""'The Burning Zone " "'is a television drama broadcast on the UPN network as part of its 1996 97 lineup. 10. _" The Burning Zone "