For instance, " K . variicola " has been identified as one of the causes of bovine mastitis.
He was later awarded the degree of DVSc by the University of Melbourne for his work on bovine mastitis and other animal diseases.
In veterinary medicine, it is a well-recognized cause of bovine mastitis, hence the name " dys-galactiae ".
"Hippelates pusio " is considered to be the vector for anaplasmosis, bovine mastitis, and " Haemophilus " spp . which cause bacterial conjunctivitis or'pinkeye '.
Some " K . variicola " strains have been associated with disease in humans, suggesting they may be able to serve as opportunistic pathogens of humans . " K . variicola " have also been isolated from cows suffering from bovine mastitis.
How to say bovine mastitis in Hindi and what is the meaning of bovine mastitis in Hindi? bovine mastitis Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by