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black berry meaning in Hindi

black berry sentence in Hindi

काली बेरी
ब्लैक बेरी
black    काला कपड़ा काली
berry    बदर बदरी बीज बेर
1.The fruit is a purplish-black berry in diameter, ripening in the fall.

2.The small black berries are eaten by birds which disperse the seeds.

3.The fruit is a black berry, around 10 mm in diameter.

4.Blue-black berries follow, and are thought to be distributed by birds.

5.The fruit is a bluish black berry that ripens in September.

6.Black berries and smoky-earthy notes, lovely oak and tannin integration, soft broad tannins.

7.It has small black berries that are mildly unpleasant to eat.

8.Main fruits are Banana, mango, jackfruit, black berry, papaya and litchi.

9.This wild plant that grows on the banks of the river, produces black berries.

10.The fruit is a reddish, dark blue or black berry.

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How to say black berry in Hindi and what is the meaning of black berry in Hindi? black berry Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.