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bird nest meaning in Hindi

bird nest sentence in Hindi
चिड़िया का घोंसला
bird    चिड़िया पक्षी
nest    अलमारी रहने की
1.Many species of bird nest in the bracken also, the skylark especially.

2.Both of these birds nest in the Edwards Plateau, the warbler exclusively.

3.Your drain vent may have a bird nest in it as well.

4.Several islands were placed under concession for decades to collect bird nests.

5.I am the main editor for the Birds Nest Foundation wikipedia page.

6.One little girl's hair is a bird nest . . . literally.

7.They also have been known to take shelter within abandoned bird nests.

8.These birds nest in colonies on islands and are pelagic when not breeding.

9.And it looks like your ball rolled into a bird nest.

10.In some areas these birds nest in large colonies close to human habitations.

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nest where birds lay their eggs and hatch their young
Synonyms: bird''s nest, birdnest,

How to say bird nest in Hindi and what is the meaning of bird nest in Hindi? bird nest Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.