This is not the time we normally take bellies out of storae.
This is not the time we normally take bellies out of storage.
They all stand with their bellies out so I'm memorializing them this year ."
"Keep your shoulders and head back, your legs bent and your belly out, " he said.
So he ripped the belly out, he surprisingly found the baby was breathing, and the baby was the princess.
Trick the belly out of its hunger : chew on the corner of a hamburger, swallow the juice and spit out the mush.
"The month of June is when we start to take bellies out of storage, and this number is saying we've already done that.
"We are already starting to take bellies out of the freezer, " said Dale Durchholz, analyst at AgriVisor Services Inc . in Bloomington, Illinois.
"This is the time of year when you really start moving bellies out, " said Dennis Smith, a broker at LIT Investor Services in Chicago.
With Goodman's goading, the ball bellies out precariously toward the taxi on the right, then grips the asphalt and shimmies back toward the center of the street.
How to say belly out in Hindi and what is the meaning of belly out in Hindi? belly out Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by