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bean curd meaning in Hindi

bean curd sentence in Hindi
बीन कर्ड
bean    थोड़ा पैसा बीज
curd    खोया दही फुटकी
1."It's not bean curd and tree bark and carrot juice every day.

2.Dried bean curd was cut into noodles and tossed with fava beans.

3.In times of poverty, bean curd is the perfect substitute for meat.

4.Heat oil in a wok and briefly, fry the fermented bean curd.

5.He loves fried bean curd, and often cries " Fyan Fyan ".

6.Bean curd, eggs and chicken offer protein, which the patient needs.

7.In a bowl, combine the pork, scallions, ginger and bean curd, if using.

8.Or Sau's wonderful spring rolls wrapped in the thinnest possible bean curd wrapper.

9.The second meets a bean curd seller and her blind father.

10.Premier Zhu Rongji complained that some barriers were no stronger than bean curd.

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cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk
Synonyms: tofu,

How to say bean curd in Hindi and what is the meaning of bean curd in Hindi? bean curd Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.