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adult tooth meaning in Hindi

adult tooth sentence in Hindi
स्थायी दाँत
adult    आदमी युवक युवती
tooth    दांत दांता स्वाद
1.This becomes apparent when the adult tooth erupts into the mouth.

2.Some adult tooth whales express 77 % OR pseudogenes and are completely devoid of olfactory structures.

3.The management depends on the type of injury involved and whether it is a baby or an adult tooth.

4.Apparently, the number 1 cause of adult tooth loss in the UK is not tooth decay, but gum disease.

5.He lost his first adult tooth when he was twenty-two and had only one left by the time that he became president.

6.There is much taxonomic confusion regarding " Lamna " in the fossil record due to the high degree of variability in adult tooth morphology within species.

7.Trauma to a developing adult tooth ( e . g ., intrusion of a baby tooth into the bone ) may affect the enamel layer of the adult tooth.

8.Trauma to a developing adult tooth ( e . g ., intrusion of a baby tooth into the bone ) may affect the enamel layer of the adult tooth.

9.When the dental pulp of a developing adult tooth dies, root formation is halted leaving an open tooth with an open apex is technically difficult and the long-term prognosis for the tooth is poor.

10.If a tooth is avulsed, make sure it is a permanent tooth ( primary teeth should not be replanted, and instead the injury site should be cleaned to allow the adult tooth to begin to erupt ).

any of the 32 teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age
Synonyms: permanent tooth,

How to say adult tooth in Hindi and what is the meaning of adult tooth in Hindi? adult tooth Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.