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acceptance letter meaning in Hindi

acceptance letter sentence in Hindi

स्वीकृति पत्र
acceptance    अनुमोदन परिग्रह
letter    साहित्यिक कृति
1.The State is considered a member when its acceptance letter is deposited.

2.Our acceptance letter stressed we were under no obligation to buy anything.

3.But who ever heard of a university sending acceptance letters through e-mail?

4.Lydia is scared of being abandoned by Nath and hides his acceptance letters.

5.*"'Keep "'- No consideration for the acceptance letters from Oprah and Arnold Schwarzenegger?

6.A few weeks later, Maddie receives her acceptance letter from Wesleyan.

7.The closing date is two weeks after receiving the acceptance letter.

8.He's spent the last several weeks wading through college acceptance letters.

9.Early action candidates are notified in January; regular acceptance letters went out Thursday.

10.The Park Service sends acceptance letters only for White House gifts.

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How to say acceptance letter in Hindi and what is the meaning of acceptance letter in Hindi? acceptance letter Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.